Privacy Policy

Welcome to Jagel, the first full-stack cloud computing as a service (CCaaS, CPaaS, and SaaS) company application in Indonesia that helps your business improve and develop.

This privacy policy was created to state our commitment to protecting all information and data security from users of the Jagel application/site (who will hereinafter be referred to as users) as well as end users of applications/sites created using Jagel (which will be hereinafter referred to as end user). This privacy policy will be the basis for any data provided by users and the treatment of the data provided. This Privacy Notice explains the types of Personal Information we collect and the measures we take to maintain the security and confidentiality of your personal data.

By using the Jagel application/site ( or or application/site created using Jagel (which will hereinafter be referred to as an artificial application), the user/ is deemed to have read and understood the privacy policy created by Jagel.

We may use this information and other technical information about your use of this Site to customize their delivery to you, to facilitate your movement through this Site, or to communicate separately with you. However, we will never intentionally provide your Personal Information to other companies or individuals not listed above (collectively, “Third Parties”) without your express permission to do so.

If you are given the option to share your Personal Data with Us, you may choose not to do so. However, choosing not to share your Personal Data with Us, you understand and agree that you cannot use our Application or services.

This privacy policy may change at any time, therefore users are advised to read and pay close attention to each existing privacy policy to find out any changes. By continuing to use Jagel’s applications and sites, users are deemed to agree to the changes in the privacy policy.

User Information

Jagel collects information from users of the Jagel application/site and end users to facilitate smooth use of the application. This includes any personal information requested when registering on the application as well as information on the device used to use the application. This does not include information obtained by links (protection of information from links is the responsibility of the link).

This Privacy Notice covers all services on the Jagel platform, and other services that may be added from time to time, and includes all Personal Information received, collected or processed by us, including information single or combined with other information, which allows you to be identified personally. directly or indirectly.

Personal Information includes name, username, address, telephone number, e-mail address, bank account, photo, identification (including Indonesian Identification Card – Kartu Tanda Pengenal – KTP, Indonesian Driver License / Surat Izin Mengemudi – SIM, or Passport) or other government-issued identification. In addition, for other information, such as personal profiles, and/or unique identification numbers, that are associated or combined with Personal Information, such information is also considered Personal Information. The Personal Information that Jagel collects may be provided by you directly or by a Third Party (for example: when you register or use the Application, when you contact Jagel customer service, or otherwise when you provide Personal Information to Jagel). Jagel may collect information in various forms and purposes (including purposes permitted under applicable laws and regulations)

We may also use your Personal Information more generally for the following purposes (in certain cases, we will act reasonably and not use your Personal Information more than is necessary for that purpose

  1. to perform related business processes and functions;
  2. to monitor the use of the Application and manage, support and improve the performance efficiency, development, user experience and functions of the Application;
  3. to provide assistance with respect to and to resolve technical difficulties or operational problems with the Application or services;
  4. to produce statistical information and analytical data for the purposes of testing, research, analysis, product development, commercial partnerships, and collaboration;
  5. to prevent, detect and investigate any prohibited, illegal, unauthorized or fraudulent activities;
  6. to enable us to comply with all obligations under applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to responding to regulatory requests, investigations or directives, complying with filing, reporting and licensing requirements required by applicable regulations, as well as conducting audit checks, due diligence and investigations;
  7. In connection with the insurance claim process, we will share your Personal Information for the purpose of processing insurance claims with insurance companies that collaborate with us; and
  8. In connection with protecting your Personal Information, we carry out the process of masking telephone numbers through any Third Party that has collaborated with us. Personal Information may be used in the process

We use cookies on some of our web pages to collect information about users of our Site (including to store user preferences and record session information). Cookies are small text files that can be sent from our Site to your browser window, which stores certain information on your system. This information is shared with us so that we can provide a more personalized service to you when you visit our Site. This is because it allows our users to be recognized by our Site as the same user based on the computer or mobile device information you will use to access our Site, including but not limited to IP address information, server information, user preferences, email addresses and words. password used to access our Site. You can adjust the settings in your browser/explorer/web browser window so that you will be notified when you receive a cookie. You can disable cookies at any time by changing the settings in your browser window. However, by disabling cookies, you will not be able to use certain functions on our applications or Sites.

Every time a user of the Jagel Application/site or an end user uses an application/site (be it a Jagel Application/site or an artificial application), Jagel may collect certain technical data related to usage such as, IMEI, internet protocol address, page information previously or subsequently viewed websites, duration of each visit/session, internet device identity or media access control address, and mobile advertising ID and other device information including information about the manufacturer, model and operating system of the device you use.

Every time a user of the Jagel application/site or an end user, uses the application via a mobile device (whether the Jagel Application/site or artificial application), Jagel can track and collect your geographic location information in real time. In some cases, you will be asked or required to activate the Global Positioning System (GPS) on your mobile device to enable Jagel to provide a better experience in using the Jagel Application as well as custom applications. You can temporarily disable geographic location tracking information on your mobile device. However, this may affect the functions available on the Application.

Personal information from end users who register via artificial applications will also be shared with users of the Jagel Application/site. The information provided to the application creator is in the form of name, username, address, telephone number, e-mail address, IMEI and/or device ID, and chats/conversations recorded in the artificial application. Specifically, IMEI and/or device ID information in the application will not be provided directly, but there must be procedures carried out by the application maker to obtain IMEI and/or device ID information. The privacy policy for this information also depends on the application maker. Jagel is not responsible for leaks of end user information carried out by users of the Jagel application/site.

We strive to keep the information obtained safe by providing electronic protection. Data in the form of passwords is stored with an encryption feature so that it cannot be read by Jagel. Password confidentiality is the responsibility of the user of the Jagel Application/site, Jagel is not responsible if any loss occurs due to carelessness of the user of the Jagel Application/site. Jagel will never ask for passwords from application users.

Use of User Information

All information, both personal information and application data, can be used by Jagel to improve Jagel applications and services to help Jagel continue to develop. Information used by Jagel will be used responsibly.

In this case, the information obtained is used to process existing information and provide more relevant information to users of the Jagel application/site. Jagel will strive to maintain every existing information processing process so that information from users of the Jagel Application/site and end users can still be maintained and processed properly.

Jagel is committed to complying with all provisions regarding the protection of users’ personal data based on applicable laws and regulations and will not sell, transfer, distribute and/or disclose personal information and application data to other people and/or unauthorized third parties. Your Personal Information is confidential information and we will not use or disclose your personal data for the benefit of any Third Party, except to:

  1. Third Parties permitted by law: We may disclose your Personal Information based on orders or requirements from a court or other government body, or to any of our attorneys, accountants and advisors, including to prevent violations relating to any criminal offense including but not limited to criminal acts of corruption, money laundering, or terrorism, or if there is a legal process of any kind between you and us, or between you and another party, in connection with the service, for the purposes of legal process; and/or
  2. Third Parties related to our business activities: We may disclose your Personal Information to any Third Party including but not limited to service providers (colleagues, vendors, agents, suppliers, or other parties) who are related to our business activities, in order to support smooth running of our business activities.

In accordance with the exceptions as above, if necessary and/or ordered by the Court and/or officials of an Indonesian government agency based on the legal authority granted by statutory provisions, then in order to fulfill the order we can provide access to the required information as intended. In connection with this, users of the Jagel application/site and end users agree to release us from all claims, demands and/or lawsuits related to providing access to this information.

User rights with respect to Personal Information

Users of the Jagel application/site have the right in connection with access to request a copy of the personal information that Jagel processes belonging to users of the Jagel application/site and end users of applications created by users of the Jagel application/site.

When you provide us with another person’s Personal Information, you are deemed to have obtained that person’s consent to the collection, use and disclosure of that person’s Personal Information for use with data processing based on this section of the policy.

Users of the Jagel application/site have the right regarding the withdrawal of personal information belonging to users of the Jagel application/site, including in this case to request deletion of accounts belonging to users of the Jagel application/site. If a user of the Jagel application/site withdraws personal information belonging to the user of the Jagel application/site and requests to delete the account belonging to the user of the Jagel application/site, Jagel does not have the capacity to provide the product or Jagel services to Jagel application/site users. Withdrawal of personal information belonging to users of the Jagel application/site and requests for deletion of accounts belonging to users of the Jagel application/site can be considered as termination of any contractual relationship, which may result in a violation of rights and/or obligations.

Users of the Jagel application/site are also entitled to access rights to request a copy of the Personal Information we process about you and corrective rights to notify us of your inaccurate Personal Information. Your rights are subject to the provisions and regulations based on applicable laws. We may refuse your request when our confidential information or the privacy of others can be agreed upon or on other reasonable grounds, if permitted to do so by law.

Users of the Jagel application/site can make a request to exercise one of the above rights in relation to personal information and account deletion by sending a written request to Jagel via email to [email protected]

The rights of users of the Jagel application/site are subject to the provisions and regulations based on applicable laws. Jagel can refuse requests from Jagel application/site users if permitted or required based on applicable legislation. This includes circumstances where the request is for reasons that Jagel considers irrelevant, not serious, or difficult.

Protection of Personal Information

Maintaining the confidentiality of Jagel application/site user information is very important and is a top priority for us. As with all information, we will never rent, sell and misuse personal information and business-related information of Jagel application/site users to third parties without written permission from Jagel application/site users.

  1. We protect the Personal Information of Jagel application/site users by complying with Law Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection jo. Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2016 concerning Protection of Personal Data in Electronic Systems (“Data Protection Regulation”), or regulations issued from time to time by the relevant authorities relating to Personal Information received from or given access to by Users Jagel application/site, whether written, verbal, visual or in electronic form (“Data”).
  2. Although we strive to protect the Personal Information of Jagel application/site users, we cannot guarantee the security of information that Jagel application/site users convey via the Internet, and we emphasize that Jagel application/site users take precautions to protect Personal Information when in cyberspace. . We recommend that you change your password frequently, using a combination of letters and numbers, and ensure that users of the Jagel application/site use a secure browser.
  3. Apart from ensuring that the user username and password for the Jagel application/site are safe and confidential and not shared with unauthorized people, you need to notify us at the first opportunity if you know or suspect that your username and password have been lost, stolen, or their confidentiality has been compromised, or if an unauthorized transaction has occurred/might occur. We are not responsible for losses arising from such security breaches or unauthorized use of user usernames and passwords of the Jagel application/site.

Security precautions to protect the loss, misuse, or alteration of Users’ personal information

  1. Your Personal Information is accessed by cookies on your computer so only you should be able to access it. You can edit your profile information by logging in to our Site from your computer.
  2. We recommend that you log out of your account and close your browser/explorer/web browser window after you have finished your work. This will help ensure that others cannot access your Personal Information and correspondence if you share a computer with others or use a computer in a public place such as a library or internet cafe.
  3. The Company uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology to protect certain information submitted by you. This technology protects you from information being intercepted by anyone other than us while it is being transmitted. We always strive to ensure that Web servers (sites) are secure and that they meet industry standards. We also use other safeguards such as firewalls, authentication systems (e.g., passwords and personal identification numbers) and access control mechanisms to control unauthorized access to systems and data.

Storage of Personal Data

We may store Personal Information of Jagel application/site users as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose of collecting Personal Information and other data as long as such storage is required by applicable laws and regulations or when we need it for our legitimate purposes such as to protect or enforce legal rights. us, fighting fraud and financial crime, and dealing with any disputes or problems that may arise. We will return and delete any Data we receive after it is deemed that the purpose of collecting Personal Information is no longer necessary for business or legal purposes within a period of no later than 30 (thirty) working days and/or take steps to make it anonymous so that you can no longer be identified.

Processing of Personal Data Storage

  1. When you use our application/site in another country where our Application can be accessed (“Destination Country”), we may transfer your Personal Information from your country of origin (“Origin Country”) to the Destination Country to enable you to access and ensure a good customer experience smoothly when you use our App abroad. In such cases, we will ask for your consent to transfer your Personal Information from the Origin Country to the Destination Country to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  2. The Personal Information we collect from you may be stored, transferred, or processed by Third Party service providers. We will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that all such Third Party service providers provide a level of protection commensurate with our commitments under this Privacy Notice.
  3. We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and use our best efforts to ensure that our Affiliates in other countries and all Third Party service providers provide a level of protection equivalent to our commitment in this Privacy Notice.

Information On Third Party Platforms

Jagel applications, websites and applications may contain links to websites operated by Third Parties. We do not control or accept liability or responsibility for these websites and for the collection, use, maintenance, sharing or disclosure of data and information by such Third Parties. Please read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of those Third Party websites to find out how they collect and use your Personal Information.

When you use the Jagel site/application, you may activate the fingerprint and/or facial recognition feature on your mobile device for authentication purposes, please note that we do not store this biometric data. Unless otherwise notified to you, such data is stored on your mobile device and may be stored by Third Parties, such as the manufacturer of your device. You agree and acknowledge that we are not responsible for any unauthorized access or loss of any biometric data stored on your mobile device.

Advertisements contained on our Application/website serve as links to advertisers’ websites and as such any information they collect based on your clicking on those links will be collected and used by the relevant advertiser in accordance with that advertiser’s privacy policy.


Jagel authorizes users of the Jagel application/site excluding end users because it is the responsibility of users of the Jagel application/site, they can trade their products, as long as it does not conflict with applicable laws and regulations, and in accordance with existing laws and regulations.

Jagel will endeavor to maintain trademarks in the information obtained. However, users of the Jagel application/site do not include end users because it is the responsibility of users of the Jagel application/site, who remain personally responsible for the trademark information provided.

If the user of the Jagel application/site is not included as an end user because it is the responsibility of the user of the Jagel application/site, by intentionally or unintentionally committing a violation of the law through this application, then the user of the Jagel application/site can be processed legally according to applicable regulations and Jagel is not responsible for this.

Privacy Policy Changes

Jagel may review and change the Privacy Notice in our sole discretion from time to time, to ensure that this Privacy Notice is consistent with our future developments, and/or changes in legal or regulatory requirements. If we decide to change this Privacy Notice, we will notify you of such changes through a general notice published on the Application and/or website, or otherwise to your e-mail address listed in your account. 

You agree that you are responsible for reviewing this Privacy Notice regularly for the latest information about our data processing and data protection practices, and that your continued use of our Application or website, communicating with us, or accessing and using the services after any changes This Privacy Notice will be deemed to be your agreement to this Privacy Notice and any changes thereto.

Jagel User Acknowledgment and Agreement

  1. By agreeing to the Privacy Notice, users of the Jagel application/site acknowledge that you have read and understand this Privacy Notice and agree to all its provisions. Specifically, you agree and consent to us collecting, using, sharing, disclosing, storing, transferring, or processing your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Notice.
  2. In circumstances where you provide us with Personal Information relating to another individual (such as Personal Information relating to your partner, family member, friend, or other party), you represent and warrant that you have obtained the individual’s consent to, and hereby consents on behalf of such individuals to our collection, use, disclosure and processing of their Personal Information.
  3. Information conveyed through communications between users and service providers carried out other than through use of the Application (such as through telephone calls, SMS, mobile messages or other means of communication and collection of your Personal Information by our agents) may also be stored in several ways. We do not permit the storage of Personal Information in this way and we are not responsible to you for this. We will not be responsible for the storage of your Personal Information. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us, our officers, directors, employees, agents, co-workers, suppliers, contractors, and affiliates harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, costs, damages, and expenses (including but not limited to legal costs and full compensation expenses) resulting directly or indirectly from any unauthorized storage of your Personal Information.

Feedback and suggestions

Jagel really hopes for feedback and suggestions from users of the Jagel application/site. It is hoped that feedback and suggestions can be conveyed politely and for the sake of Jagel’s progress.

Any feedback and suggestions can be given via e-mail to [email protected] and via number +6281216862202 

Let's create a successful partnership

A fullstack CPaaS company provides end-to-end communication solutions, combining infrastructure, APIs, and development tools for seamless integration and customization.

Business Representative: Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 21, Setiabudi, RT.10/RW.1, Karet, Setia Budi, South Jakarta City, Jakarta 12930

Operational Office: Jl. Nogotirto, Banyuraden, Kec. Gamping, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55293


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